Support Weighted GPAs: Sign the Petition for a Holistic Academic Evaluation


Welcome to the campaign advocating for the continued use of weighted GPAs! Recognizing the rigor of advanced coursework is essential in providing a comprehensive evaluation of a student's academic achievements. Help support the use of weighted GPAs to celebrate and reward students who take on challenging courses and excel in their academic pursuits.

Why Weighted GPAs Matter:

Weighted GPAs assign additional points to honors, AP, or IB courses, acknowledging the increased difficulty and higher expectations of these classes. This practice ensures that students who choose to challenge themselves academically receive due credit for their efforts, fostering an environment that encourages intellectual growth and academic exploration.

The Mission:

Gather support from parents, students, and educators who understand the importance of recognizing the extra effort and dedication required in advanced coursework. By signing the petition, you contribute to the movement promoting the use of weighted GPAs as a fair and meaningful measure of a student's academic capabilities.

Why Sign the Petition:

  1. Acknowledging Academic Rigor: Weighted GPAs provide a more nuanced understanding of a student's achievements by recognizing the added difficulty of advanced courses. This ensures that students who strive for academic excellence in challenging subjects receive the recognition they deserve.
  2. Encouraging Intellectual Growth: By valuing and rewarding students who take on advanced coursework, we promote a culture that encourages intellectual curiosity and a love for learning. This approach benefits not only the individual students but also the overall academic environment.
  3. College Preparedness: Weighted GPAs offer colleges and universities valuable insights into a student's ability to excel in rigorous academic environments. This information aids admissions officers in making well-informed decisions about applicants' readiness for higher education.
  4. Scholarships: Don't get automatically excluded from scholarships that expect GPAs to be weighted.
  5. Make your voice heard: Don't let rogue administrators experiment with your children's education. Speak Up before it's too late!

How You Can Help:

Sign our petition today to show your support for the continued use of weighted GPAs. By doing so, you join a community that values academic rigor and recognizes the importance of differentiating between standard and advanced coursework. Together, we can advocate for a holistic approach to academic evaluation that empowers students to explore their full potential.

Let's work towards a future where students are celebrated for their commitment to academic excellence. Sign the petition and be a part of the movement for a fair and comprehensive evaluation of students' achievements!

Select your school and sign the petition: